Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thank You!

Over 200 activists and organizers kicked off Progressive Massachusetts this past Sunday in Newton! The diversity of organizing experience was matched only by the passion of the participants. As we said on Sunday, there’s a need for a home for Massachusetts’ progressive activists, and Sunday’s enthusiasm and energetic participation made this clear.  We were happy to see you all and appreciate all of the feedback we’ve received already.  Take a look at some of the scenes from Sunday’s discussions, presentations and breakout sessions--and please share your own photos on our Facebook wall!

At the heart of Progressive Massachusetts are strong progressive principles, activism and engagement.  We want to get to work NOW to build on the momentum from Sunday, and to grow this organization into the powerful force in Massachusetts politics that Sunday proved it can be.  We look forward to working together on everything we discussed Sunday, and more.

We are gathering all your questions and feedback from the index cards and your purple Action Steps forms, and will be sharing responses as soon as possible.

Your Action Steps forms also revealed lots of enthusiasm for taking concrete actions in the weeks ahead, on:
  • a Campaign to Defeat Scott Brown;
  • the Campaign for Our Communities;
  • a US Senate Candidates’ Forum Committee;
  • a Candidate Endorsement Criteria Committee;
  • a Future Issues Committee; and
  • local meetings with other progressives to build Progressive Massachusetts
We’ll be sharing that info with those of you who signed up, so we can begin organizing as soon as possible.  If you want to add your name now to one or more of thes actions, you can check off that information on our subscription page; just click here.

Finally, for Progressive Mass to become the powerful organization it can clearly be, we need to spread the word to everyone who should be a part of it.  Below is a sample email you could send to anyone you know who might be at all interested in what we’re doing.  Feel free, of course, to change this around or write your own message entirely.  

EMAIL TEMPLATE: (click for pre-loaded email--just add your friend's email address and your name!)
“Hi _____,  I just wanted to share with you that this past Sunday I went to the kickoff of Progressive Mass, a new statewide political organization that I think could shake up Massachusetts politics (http://progressivemass.org, http://facebook.com/ProgressiveMass).  There were over 200 people there, lots of energy, and good discussions about how we can win on progressive issues and get progressives elected to office.  You should get on their mailing list, so you can see what they’re up to.  Here’s the link to sign up: http://bit.ly/ProgMA_SUBSCRIBE or go to the website, where you can click on the links to subscribe.”

Thank you for your engagment and enthusiasm on Sunday, and we look forward eagerly to working with you in the months and years ahead!

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